Will2Sustain is a consulting firm specializing in sustainable development

On the way to a development that benefits people, nature and society.

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How can I be of service to you?

CSR Scan

Do you think it is important to create a society that is future-proof?

Corporate Social Responsibility

Service sustainability and corporate social responsibility.


We want to make a positive contribution to sustainable development and design.

Interim manager

I also act as interim manager of client projects and processes.

Other services

Our method for examining the sustainability of organizations and projects.

You want to become more sustainable, not sure exactly how?

I first help you take the big picture and make you aware of opportunities you don’t see for yourself.

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Core values of Will2Sustain

  • Commitment: Will2Sustain shows itself to be a committed partner.
  • Collaboration: Will2Sustain seeks connection and cooperation.
  • Hope: Will2Sustain has hope that we can bring about sustainable change.
  • Transparency: we are open and honest in our communication and attitude.
  • CO2 neutral: we offset our CO2 emissions.
  • Results-oriented: we aim for demonstrable improvements in sustainability issues such as energy consumption, health and safety of employees.
  • Integral approach: or total picture. We do not look at one aspect and immediately label it as ‘sustainable’. We connect the aspects and look at the whole.
  • Sustainability: From Principles to Practice!

    Projects by Will2Sustain

    If you would like more information about the projects Will2Sustain is implementing and has implemented, please contact us. You can read about current projects in our newsletter.

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